In partnership with the Center for Data Science and Technology at JPL
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The opportunities and challenges of data-driven computing are a major component of research in the 21st century. The Center for Data-Driven Discovery (CD3), in strong partnership with JPL, helps the faculty across the entire Institute in developing novel projects in the arena of data-intensive, computationally enabled science and technology.
![]() In partnership with the Center for Data Science and Technology at JPL | |||||
![]() news/binary-blackholes.2015.01.07.html
![]() research/immersive_and_collaborative_data_visualization.html
![]() research/computational_plant_biology.html
![]() research/pervasive_computing_for_disaster_response.html
![]() research/visualization_atelier.html
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about research news+events staff propose contact
The central focus of CD3 is the methodologies for handling and analysis of large and complex data sets, in facilitating the data-to-discovery process. It is about applications of data-driven computing in various scientific domains, such as biology, physics, astronomy, geophysics, etc. CD3 also serves as a catalyst for new collaborations and projects between different scientific disciplines, and between the campus and JPL. We are especially interested in the sharing and transfer of methodologies, where the solutions from one field can be reapplied in another one. At this time, we are not involved in the traditional high performance computing or hardware.
The scientific staff of the Center has an expertise that spans various aspects of computational science, and works on a collaborative basis with research groups on the campus and at JPL, in helping develop novel, exploratory projects, and in the execution of larger, funded projects that involve data-intensive computing. The Center also helps in the development of educational materials for training students in the research skills that are increasingly necessary for data-rich science in the 21st century.
We are a part of a joint initiative with the Center for Data Science and Technology at JPL.
computational plant biology
alex cunha
Pervasive Computing for Disaster Response
julian bunn
Advanced Software Defined Networking using the OpenDaylight controller
julian bunn
exploration tools for lncrna research
santiago lombeyda
immersive and collaborative data visualization
ciro donalek
visualization atelier
santiago lombeyda
Finding Knowledge
Hidden in Data
AAAS' Member Spotlight features George Djorgovski as he looks for knowledge hidden in data
as part of cd3.
Guidance Software Teams with CD3
Guidance software announced it has funded a program at Caltech to support data security research using advanced anomaly science, to be jointly run between cd3 and JPL.
Announcement of creation of Joint Initiative on Data Science and Technology
Caltech's Center for Data-Driven Discovery and JPL's Center for Data Science and Technology (CDST), the two centers have formally joined forces, creating the Joint Initiative on Data Science and Technology.
Watching Black Holes Merge
From the journal Nature, cd3 researchers & collaborators report on an unusual repeating light signal that is most likely the result of two supermassive black holes in the final phases of a merge.
weekly cd3 espresso+biscotti
Mondays, 1PM, PB-Commons
seminar series
restarts in December
Wednesdays, 1.30PM, PB-100 Tea&Cookies 1PM, PB-Commons julian bunn
alex cunha
george djorgovski
ciro donalek
matthew graham
santiago lombeyda
ashish mahabal
charles mcelroy
tracy sheffer
See full list of Proposal Opportunities here
![]() Powell-Booth Laboratory
reception Second Level, Suite 200
land-line 626.395.4116
email cd3@caltech.edu
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